Te Mana
21 Dec 2022
As we gear up for the Christmas holiday break, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the year that has been, and the hard work of all our people who have contributed to moving Ngāti Rangitihi forward.
As a Trust in the post-settlement era, we’ve been able to engage in several strategic initiatives targeted at improving the wellbeing of Ngāti Rangitihi from cultural, social, economic, and environmental aspects. I am thankful for our Trustees, staff, and Iwi members who have led the way, supported, and been involved in our kaupapa.
I look forward to 2024, and engaging with you all as we work together to continue to move Ngāti Rangitihi forward. My hope is that the New Year will see even more whānau get involved in our kaupapa.
I thank you for your continued support. It is a privilege to serve you as your Chairman.
Ngā mihi o te Kirihimete me te Tau Hou!
Leith Comer
Chairman – Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust